Obama: 'We Will Degrade and Ultimately Destroy ISIL' The Wall Street Journal 1:52 10 years ago 3 343 Далее Скачать
President Obama Addresses the Nation on the ISIL Threat The Obama White House 13:57 10 years ago 547 934 Далее Скачать
ISIS in Obama's own words: from a joke to war in 9 months Vox 2:44 10 years ago 150 700 Далее Скачать
Donald Trump: President Obama is "founder" of ISIS CBS Evening News 2:02 8 years ago 68 913 Далее Скачать
Obama: "We don't have a strategy yet" on ISIS in Syria CBS Evening News 1:59 10 years ago 1 636 Далее Скачать
Obama: ISIS Not a Threat to "National Existence" The Wall Street Journal 2:22 8 years ago 3 333 Далее Скачать